All Episodes
20. The dark side of exercise: my unhealthy relationship with it, and how I recovered
I didn't always have the healthiest relationships with exercise. I had an exercise addiction. "but wait: an exercise addiction is a GOOD thing right?" Absolutely NOT, and in this episode I explain why. I also go...
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19. HOW AND WHY you should give yourself unconditional permission to eat
Worried about losing control around food when you allow yourself to eat more? Then this episode was MADE for you. In this episode, I go in depth on the science and research behind why eating MORE is the key to you...
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18. Community question answered: Difference between exercise phases, and why you should care
A few weeks ago @maddbradley DMed me with a great question:
"I was wondering if you were covering any topics around different exercise phases, like strength building and hypertrophy?"
Such a great question really...
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17. When it comes to calories: less isn't better, ENOUGH is better, with @naturally_nina_
If you want the in's and outs on how to fuel your body, this episode is for you. In this episode I sat down with the amazing @naturally_nina_ , an expert nutritionist, as well as a crossfit coach, and an amazing...
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16. How I ate out every single day and trained once in 2 weeks without gaining weight
I've been on the go a lot over the past few weeks, from Australia, to South Africa, to Bali, and now Lombok... and when travelling, you often end up eating out instead of cooking your own meals. This time was no...
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15. The magic pill everyone is looking for, and noone is taking, with @gainswithains_
Ainsley is an aboslute rockstar PT, who has been training for 10 years. Together, we dive deep into how to get the most out of your training, gym anxiety and steps to overcome it, and much more. In a nutshell, this is...
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14. Toxic diet culture, "healthy eating", and food freedom with Christina Mollenhauer
This week I chat with Dietician Christina from IG @christinaskitchens. We talk all things FOOD FREEDOM.
What the hell does it even mean?
Why the diet culture is toxic
We go deep into Christina's recovery story
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13. Eating to TRAIN instead of training to EAT, with Power-Lifter Jeannie V
In this episode I pick Jeannie, a badass business owner AND power-lifter's brain about some really important topics: Why most women aren't seeing results with their training right now. Tips and strategies on how you...
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12. How lifting went from being a chore to being Kim's self care activity. The aesthetics became the side bonus
I sat down with Fit & Free OG Kim, who has been working with me since basically the inception of the business. This lady is shooting out the lights with her progress after almost 2 years of working together. We go...
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10. Higher calorie days? Feeling guilty for missing workouts? YOUR QUESTIONS ANSWERED
In this episode I answer all YOUR questions. Every week I'll put a Q&A box on Instagram, and I'll answer the questions here on the podcast. No question is a stupid question. Today I'm answering the following Is it...
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11. How to grow your glutes in 2023
We all know nutrition and exercise go hand in hand when it comes to getting definition in your body. So instead of focusing all your energy on your nutrition this year, stressing about how much you're supposed to be...
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9. Do you need to track to drop fat? How I went from calorie obsessed to food freedom.
This episode focuses on all things calorie and/or macro tracking. Is it required in order to lose weight, lose fat, or get a flatter stomach? I go in depth on my personal experience and relationship with calorie...
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