40. SKINNY-FAT SERIES: MYTHS that are stopping you from reaching your body goals
Will lifting weights make you bulky?
Is it true that you can't lose fat by lifting?
Should women do high-rep, low weight exercise to tone up?
Will eating more make you gain weight/fat?
Look I know you're not silly. The episode is titled "MYTHS", so we already know these are all BS. Still, there are SO many women that, conciously or unconciously, are STILL holding onto these beliefs. And it's these stories and belief systems that are holding them back from getting what they ACTUALLY want, which is losing fat, toning up, and feeling confident in a bikini.
P.S. Please review my podcast, as it really helps get it out to more women that need to hear this. Review here:
P.S.S. Plateaued with your weight loss? Wanna find out EXACTLY what you should be doing next to lose cm off your waist, of tone your glutes ONCE AND FOR ALL? Take this quiz: