30. Why focusing on burning calories is CAUSING your fat loss plateau

One of the biggest mistakes I made for the first 5 years of my fitness journey was always trying to burn about 800 calories more a day than what I was eating. I was hellbent on burning as many calories as I could, so that I could lose weight faster. Little did I know, it was actually causing me to stay stuck in the skinny-fat cycle. 

In this episode I run you through some research that will prove exactly WHY this approach doesn't work, the common mindset blocks around this and how to work through them, and finally also what to do instead if you actually want to lose fat and tone up once and for all. 


P.S. Please review my podcast, as it really helps get it out to more women that need to hear this. Review here: 


P.S.S. Plateaued with your weight loss? Wanna find out EXACLTY what you should be doing next to lose cm off your waist, of tone your glutes ONCE AND FOR ALL? Take this quiz:
